Sunday, August 3, 2014

Eid: A Time of Accidents

Bangladesh in Numbers - Post 55 - Eid: A Time of Accidents
Eid: A Time of Accidents

At least 90 people were killed in road accidents and boat capsize across the country around the four days of Eid 2014; an average of 50 people die every year at this time. WHO estimates shows the yearly number of deaths from road accidents in Bangladesh to stand at 21,218.

Note: This infographic does not include the ferry carrying 200 people which sank on the Padma river yesterday (Aug 4), which is also an accident involving people returning from Eid break (

#bangladeshinnumbers #eid #accident #death


Sunday, July 27, 2014

It's not 1,000; it's 0.055%

It's not 1,000; it's 0.055%

As of 26 July 2014, at Gaza, Palestinian deaths has topped 1,000. But numbers alone without the right context do not reveal the entire story. There are 1.82 million Palestinians. If the same proportion died in China, it would be 743,050 people, in India, it would be 680,350 people, in the US, it would be 172,852 people, and in Bangladesh, 0.055% would be 88,000 people. Infographic based on analysis by Hamid Dabashi, Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative literature at Columbia University in New York.

#bangladeshinnumbers #gaza

Monday, July 14, 2014

World Cup Jerseys Made in Bangladesh

Bangladesh in Numbers - World Cup Jerseys Made in Bangladesh
World Cup Jerseys Made in Bangladesh

Did you know that Bangladesh exported between $500 million to $1 billion worth of World Cup jerseys and merchandise this football season? That's between 2 to 4% of the total yearly RMG exports of the country. And not just clothes for fans, the Brazil teams' official jerseys were made in Bangladesh as well.

#bangladeshinnumbers #joinin #madeinbangladesh #rmg #wc2014


Monday, July 7, 2014

Investing in Infrastructure

Bangladesh in Numbers - Investing in Infrastructure
Investing in Infrastructure

In order to keep growing, Bangladesh needs to spend as high as $10 billion a year until 2020 to bring its power grids, roads and water supplies up to the standard needed to serve its growing population, according to the World Bank. The National Budget for FY2014-15 allocated $4.5 billion to infrastructure expansion (equal to 14.4% of total budget). 

#bangladeshinnumbers #infrastructure


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Kalshi Killings

Kalshi Killings

The news yesterday started with some youths of the bihari community playing with firecrackers near a mosque right after Fajr prayers around 5:00am on Shab-e-barat in Mirpur, Dhaka, which drew the attention of policemen on patrol. And it ended with clashes that went on into the day, between 100 to 150 people injured, 10 deaths, including 9 people of a family being burnt alive in their homes, and one shot dead.

What happened is known, but who did what, and why they did it, is unclear.

#arson #bihari #shab-e-barat #bangladeshinnumbers


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tobacco Cultivation: Boost or Bane?

Bangladesh in Numbers - Tobacco Cultivation: Boost or Bane?
Tobacco Cultivation: Boost or Bane?

Tobacco companies make life of farmers easy by providing many facilities, which include interest free loans, free seeds, pesticides and fertilizers. They even go as far as providing money for children's education and health services, and offer a price guarantee at the which the farmer can make a profit. But for how long? As tobacco farming causes the soil to lose fertility, the companies move on...

#tobacco #bangladeshinnumbers


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Playing with fire: No exist in sight for 47%

Bangladesh in Numbers - Playing with fire: No exist in sight for 47%
Playing with fire: No exit in sight for 47%

According to a recent survey of 3,200 workers in 28 factories by the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety, a platform of 26 US-based clothing retailers and brands, 47% of garment workers say they cannot leave their factory buildings quickly in case of an emergency. Although 30% felt that they were at high risk of fire, an upsetting finding was that 45% of the respondents had not been trained in fire safety.

#bangladesh #bangladeshinnumbers #rmg #fire #firesafety
