Monday, December 30, 2013

Heroes of Humanity

Bangladesh in Numbers - Heroes of Humanity
Heroes of Humanity

Being imprisoned in our own city, we lose a little bit of ourselves everyday. In moments of weakness, its easy to get caught up in anger and hatred. In these moments, remember the heroes who risk their lives to keep humanity alive.

#bangladeshinnumbers #humanity 


Friday, December 27, 2013

Can a National Election be a Charade?

Can a National Election be a Charade?

Maybe it can. Find out this January 5th, 2014 at the 10th JS Polls; where 5.5 billion Bangladeshi taka will be spent at 38 thousand voting centres to allow 91 million voters to cast their vote. But, alas, 52% of these voters have only one candidate to vote for!


Thursday, December 26, 2013

The world's 7th largest remittance earner

The world's 7th largest remittance earner

Bangladesh is projected to receive over $15 billion USD in 2013, a staggering 11% of GDP, making Bangladesh the 7th highest remittance receiving country in the world. But, only 371,647 Bangladeshis have flown abroad for jobs in 2013 (up to Oct 2013), compared to 607,798 in 2012. If the number of new international recruits from Bangladesh keeps falling, one can only expect growth in remittance earnings to slow down in years to come.

Note/ Corrigendum:
15 billion was the World Bank's projection for 2013 based on which this infographic was made, and now the real numbers are out, turns out remittance for 2013 has been much lower, instead of rising to 15 billion, it fell to 13.84 billion dollars. The latest figures are here:


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

You cannot eat money

Bangladesh in Numbers - You cannot eat money
You cannot eat money

69,000 hectares of agricultural land is lost every year in Bangladesh, a loss of 0.8 to 1%; while population grows by 1.59%. Will we wait till the last tree has been cut down before we realize that we cannot eat money? 

Bangladesh in Numbers is grateful to Mohd. Fahad Ifaz for the information used in this infographic.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

In the red

Bangladesh in Numbers - In the red
In the red

With the majority of days in Nov-Dec 2013 marked by hartals/ blockades, Bangladesh Dokan Malik Samity (BDMS), a platform of around 25 lakh shop owners, is reporting fall in daily sales by 80%, from 25 billion taka per day to 5 billion taka per day.


Monday, December 16, 2013

I can never forget

Bangladesh in Numbers - I can never forget
I can never forget

I am Bangladesh. I remember 1971. I remember Yahya Khan. I remember my freedom fighters. I remember my enemy. I remember my ally. I remember my daughters. I remember my people. 

Some of the numbers used in this infographic (specially the number of deaths during the Liberation War) cannot be verified since there are many sources that quote many numbers. Bangladesh's total population in 1971 was 75 million. The Pakistan Government puts the figure as low as 26,000 civilian casualties, while most other sources state a range. The historian R J Rummel, who has looked as deeply into it as anyone, concludes that the “final estimate to be 300,000 to 3,000,000, or a prudent 1,500,000. An Oxford historian declared that there were no more than 50,000 to 100,000 deaths. The Bangladesh government states 3 million deaths. Bangladesh in Numbers cited 3 million for this infographic, the number found as the upper limit in most cases.


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Does your vote count?

Bangladesh in Numbers - Does your vote count?
Does your vote count?

In Bangladesh's 10th JS Polls on January 5, 2014 - 151 of 300 constituencies do not need to vote because there is only one candidate. Bangladesh in Numbers is very grateful to Shihab Ansari Azhar for the analysis and visualizations used in this infographic.

 — with Shihab Ansari Azhar.

Black Nights of 1971

Black Nights of 1971
Black Nights of 1971

Bangladeshis remember 25 March 1971 and 14 December 1971 as black nights. It's been more than four decades since the Pakistani occupying forces murdered 989 school and university teachers throughout Bangladesh in an attempt to cripple the country and dampen its spirit of liberation. But they could not rein the uprising. They could not rein our thirst for freedom.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

One Hartal Day...

Bangladesh in Number - One Hartal Day...
One Hartal Day...

Every Hartal or Blockade hits the bottom of the pyramid hard, as the ones who earn their daily bread through daily labour and income lose their ability to make a living. Transport workers are affected in a major way.


The poverty % in this infographic is wrong. Bangladesh in Numbers sincerely apologizes for the error. As of 2013, the % of people under the poverty line of US$2 per day is 26%. Thanks to Ms. Nabila Rahman for pointing out the error.


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Redesigned WEBZINE - Bangladesh in Numbers Issue 1 (November 2013)

Bangladesh in Numbers listens to its audience. Based on numerous comments received since the first issue of the WEBZINE was uploaded on Dec 5, such as the need to mention links leading to the same posts on facebook and the one line descriptions, the WEBZINE has just been redesigned! Please take a look. Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always. 

Follow the link:

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Is it time to cry over spilt milk?

Bangladesh in Numbers - Is it time to cry over split milk?
Is it time to cry over spilt milk?

200,000 dairy farmers cry on every hartal - they lose money on 4.9 lac litres of milk on each hartal or blockage since milk goes bad fast. Bangladesh has the lowest milk consumption per head in the region, and imports milk every year to fulfill local demand.


You are Collateral Damage

Bangladesh in Numbers - You are Collateral Damage
You are Collateral Damage

What's your life worth in Bangladesh? BDT 500? That's what people are paid to torch vehicles during hartals and blockades. As of 6 Dec 2013, 58 people have died (in the last 10 days) - count your blessings as you were not one of them.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Bangladesh in Numbers WEBZINE - Issue 1 - November

Introducing Bangladesh in Numbers - the WEBZINE!

To celebrate one month of Bangladesh in Numbers, please spread the word on the WEBZINE. The best of all the infographics in one freely downloadable pdf file. The webzine will be made available on the 5th of every month!

To view online or to download, please follow the link:

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Daylight Robbery?

Bangladesh in Numbers - Daylight Robbery?
Daylight Robbery?

With the Central Medical Store Depot overpricing medicine purchase, in cases by 4662% compared to DMCH's procurement price (Amikacin), the only term that comes to mind is daylight robbery! These prices are eventually transferred to the end user - one can only imagine the impact on those who need the drugs but cannot afford the 'superprices'. Thanks to Dhaka Tribune for fantastic investigative reporting.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

AIDS: Getting to Zero?

Bangladesh in Numbers - AIDS: Getting to Zero?
AIDS: Getting to Zero?

34 million people in the world are HIV positive - out of which 2,871 are in Bangladesh; 338 new patients were diagnosed last year. Today is World AIDS day, and although the fight against AIDS has seen much progress with lower deaths and lower infections every year, experts suspect that 25% of people who are infected don't even know that they have the virus.