Sunday, August 3, 2014

Eid: A Time of Accidents

Bangladesh in Numbers - Post 55 - Eid: A Time of Accidents
Eid: A Time of Accidents

At least 90 people were killed in road accidents and boat capsize across the country around the four days of Eid 2014; an average of 50 people die every year at this time. WHO estimates shows the yearly number of deaths from road accidents in Bangladesh to stand at 21,218.

Note: This infographic does not include the ferry carrying 200 people which sank on the Padma river yesterday (Aug 4), which is also an accident involving people returning from Eid break (

#bangladeshinnumbers #eid #accident #death


Sunday, July 27, 2014

It's not 1,000; it's 0.055%

It's not 1,000; it's 0.055%

As of 26 July 2014, at Gaza, Palestinian deaths has topped 1,000. But numbers alone without the right context do not reveal the entire story. There are 1.82 million Palestinians. If the same proportion died in China, it would be 743,050 people, in India, it would be 680,350 people, in the US, it would be 172,852 people, and in Bangladesh, 0.055% would be 88,000 people. Infographic based on analysis by Hamid Dabashi, Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative literature at Columbia University in New York.

#bangladeshinnumbers #gaza

Monday, July 14, 2014

World Cup Jerseys Made in Bangladesh

Bangladesh in Numbers - World Cup Jerseys Made in Bangladesh
World Cup Jerseys Made in Bangladesh

Did you know that Bangladesh exported between $500 million to $1 billion worth of World Cup jerseys and merchandise this football season? That's between 2 to 4% of the total yearly RMG exports of the country. And not just clothes for fans, the Brazil teams' official jerseys were made in Bangladesh as well.

#bangladeshinnumbers #joinin #madeinbangladesh #rmg #wc2014


Monday, July 7, 2014

Investing in Infrastructure

Bangladesh in Numbers - Investing in Infrastructure
Investing in Infrastructure

In order to keep growing, Bangladesh needs to spend as high as $10 billion a year until 2020 to bring its power grids, roads and water supplies up to the standard needed to serve its growing population, according to the World Bank. The National Budget for FY2014-15 allocated $4.5 billion to infrastructure expansion (equal to 14.4% of total budget). 

#bangladeshinnumbers #infrastructure


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Kalshi Killings

Kalshi Killings

The news yesterday started with some youths of the bihari community playing with firecrackers near a mosque right after Fajr prayers around 5:00am on Shab-e-barat in Mirpur, Dhaka, which drew the attention of policemen on patrol. And it ended with clashes that went on into the day, between 100 to 150 people injured, 10 deaths, including 9 people of a family being burnt alive in their homes, and one shot dead.

What happened is known, but who did what, and why they did it, is unclear.

#arson #bihari #shab-e-barat #bangladeshinnumbers


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tobacco Cultivation: Boost or Bane?

Bangladesh in Numbers - Tobacco Cultivation: Boost or Bane?
Tobacco Cultivation: Boost or Bane?

Tobacco companies make life of farmers easy by providing many facilities, which include interest free loans, free seeds, pesticides and fertilizers. They even go as far as providing money for children's education and health services, and offer a price guarantee at the which the farmer can make a profit. But for how long? As tobacco farming causes the soil to lose fertility, the companies move on...

#tobacco #bangladeshinnumbers


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Playing with fire: No exist in sight for 47%

Bangladesh in Numbers - Playing with fire: No exist in sight for 47%
Playing with fire: No exit in sight for 47%

According to a recent survey of 3,200 workers in 28 factories by the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety, a platform of 26 US-based clothing retailers and brands, 47% of garment workers say they cannot leave their factory buildings quickly in case of an emergency. Although 30% felt that they were at high risk of fire, an upsetting finding was that 45% of the respondents had not been trained in fire safety.

#bangladesh #bangladeshinnumbers #rmg #fire #firesafety


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Strawberry: New horizon in local farming

Bangladesh in Numbers - Strawberry: New horizon in local farming
Strawberry: New horizon in local farming

Over a decade ago, Professor Dr. Manjur Hossain of the Department of Botany of Rajshahi University (RU), pioneered the technology to launch local strawberry farming using tissue culture method in Bangladesh. Anyone with a small investment can cultivate strawberries quickly if he has access to some land. Profits are reaped quickly as well, since the production cycle is very short – strawberries are harvested in 60 to 70 days, about 30 to 35 fruits are harvested in each tree, Supply chain integration, marketing facilities, along with some government patronization are needed to fully harness the potential of the low hanging fruit.

#bangladesh #bangladeshinnumbers #strawberry #farming


Monday, February 10, 2014

Dr. Shuvo Roy: The face of hope

Bangladesh in Numbers - Dr. Shuvo Roy: The face of hope
Dr. Shuvo Roy: The face of hope

Did you know that Bangladeshi-born scientist and bioengineer at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Dr. Shuvo Roy, is leading research to develop the world’s first artificial kidney to treat End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)? Approximately 2 million globally have end stage renal disease, and 40,000 people in Bangladesh die from kidney failure every year. F
or them, and tens of millions more who have some form of Kidney Disease, Dr. Roy is the face of hope.

#bangladesh #bangladeshinnumbers #kidneydisease #ESRD

Please watch the video:


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

BDT 14.5 LAC: The value of a RMG worker's life?

BDT 14.5 LAC: The value of a RMG worker's life?
BDT 14.5 LAC: The value of a RMG worker's life?

The Rana Plaza collapse has been dubbed the 'deadliest structural collapse in modern human history', claiming 1,135 lives, injuring thousands more who survived. Victims appear to be one step closer to receiving compensation from the government after a 31-member panel finalized a set of recommendations, setting BDT 14.5 lac as compensation for the dead and missing workers and the permanently disabled ones.

#bangladesh #bangladeshinnumbers #ranaplaza #rmg #garments


Monday, January 27, 2014

Shocking facts about Domestic Abuse in Bangladesh

Shocking facts about Domestic Abuse in Bangladesh 

These facts are not from history; they are not from the dark ages. This is happening today. According to a 2011 study of 12,600 women across Bangladesh conducted by BBS and UNFPA, 9 out of10 women have been physically abused by their husbands, 8 out of 10 in the last 12 months. HALF of these women were abused so badly they needed medical help.

#bangladeshinnumbers #bangladesh #domesticviolence


Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Truth About Domestic Violence

Bangladesh in Numbers - The Truth About Domestic Violence
The Truth About Domestic Violence

Nearly 9 out of 10 wives (87%) suffer from domestic violence at the hands of their husbands in Bangladesh, according to a nationwide survey in 7 divisions conducted by the BBS and the UNFPA in 2011. The survey, published in 2013, presents an alarming picture of a permanent habit of abuse as 77% percent of respondents said that they were abused in the last 12 months.

#bangladeshinnumbers #bangladesh #domesticviolence


Friday, January 17, 2014

The Queen of Hearts

Bangladesh in Numbers - The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts

With a career of 26 long years of capturing our imagination with her ethereal beauty and intense celluloid performance, Suchitra Sen symbolized the golden age of Bengali cinema. She passed away yesterday, 17 January 2014, at the age of 82. May she remain an eternal icon, forever alive in our hearts.

#bangladeshinnumbers #suchitrasen #suchitra 


Webzine - Issue 2 (December 2013)

Couldn't keep up with all of Bangladesh in Numbers' infographics last month? Not to worry! Here's the second issue of the webzine, presenting the best of last month's infrographics (Dec 2013), freely downloadable from:

How many to die from cold in 2014?

Bangladesh in Numbers - How many to die from cold in 2014?
How many to die from cold in 2014?

In 2013, Bangladesh faced the lowest temperature in 68 years, as low as 3 degrees Celsius, killing 200 people (mostly in northern parts of Bangladesh. How many will die in 2014? Millions of homeless people in the country (3.4 million in Dhaka alone) are vulnerable to the cold.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Growth of Profits in 2013

Bangladesh in Numbers - Growth of Profits in 2013
Growth of Profits in 2013

The pharmaceutical sector grew the fastest in 2013 in terms of profits, while Banks suffered from lower profits. Please note that the red water balloons in the infographic do not represent losses, rather lower profits than the previous year (negative growth).


Saturday, January 4, 2014

507 deaths due to political violence in 2013

Bangladesh in Numbers - 507 deaths due to political violence in 2013
507 deaths due to political violence in 2013

According to the Ain O Salish Kendra, as many as 848 clashes took place in 2013 surrounding the verdicts of war crimes trials and political disputes. The clashes killed 507 people including 15 police and two BGB men and left 22,407 injured. May history remember 2013, but not repeat it.


Land wealth of 8 AL leaders rise 49 times in 5 years

Land wealth of 8 AL leaders rise 49 times in 5 years

"A random scan of the wealth statements of eight ruling party lawmakers and leaders recently submitted to the Election Commission reveals their lust for land and how aggressively they got hold of it as much as they could during the last five years. Just five years ago, as per their 2008 wealth statements, the eight owned only 71.417 acres of land. They now own 3,508 acres of land. The pieces of land are worth a couple of thousands crore taka," writes Hasan Jahid Tusher of The Daily Star.
